News: Saturday Open Mornings, and Best of Baroque
St. Bridget's has been holding open mornings on the first Saturday of the month over the Spring and Summer. This is a great opportunity to have a look around a church described as 'this glorious gem in our midst', exceptionally interesting for its surviving medieval fabric from the 12th to the 16th centuries. Why not join us at the next one on Saturday 7th September 10am to Midday; coffee and cake will be available! Information about all our services and events are displayed on our website
We also invite you to an evening of 'Best of Baroque' organ music by award-winning organist Andrew Kirk, taking place at St. Bridget's on Saturday 7th September from 7pm and including light refreshments. Reserve your seat for what promises to be a very enjoyable evening by going to Alternatively book by ringing Roger (07790845108) or Sue (01275853879) our Church Wardens. Donations on the day go towards St. Bridget's unglamorous but highly necessary guttering repairs!