Marcus Merry Marcus Merry

News: Electoral Roll

The Church Electoral Roll contains the names of everyone who can vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. This Roll is revised annually with the exception of each 6th year, this year, when it is necessary to prepare an entirely new Parochial Electoral Roll.

Every person who is on the existing Roll is invited, should they wish to do so, to apply for enrolment.    

Those not on the existing Roll may also join if they wish - Enrolment forms will be available at St Bridget`s from Sunday 2nd March or you can contact Janice Watson, Electoral Roll Officer on 01275462821 or

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held on Monday 28 April  6.30pm at St Bridget`s  - All welcome

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Marcus Merry Marcus Merry

News: Welcome to Rev. Sam & 2025 Event Plans

The congregation and friends of St. Bridget's extend a very warm welcome to our new Rector, Rev. Sam Norton, as he joins the Benefice.  Our first service with him at St. Bridget’s is on 2nd March 9.15am.  We would also like to register our great appreciation to all the clergy who have gone to great efforts to support the Church through the vacancy period. 

Plans for 2025 events continue to crystallise.   These will include a Bluebell Coffee Morning at the Ford's on the 3rd May (please see our website nearer the date for further details).  Open Church Coffee Mornings will be held on the first Saturday of the month from June-October.   While in the early Autumn we plan to host a Harvest Quiz night, accompanied with a hot meal and refreshments! 

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Marcus Merry Marcus Merry

News: New Rector Announced

Please see the below announcement from the Benefice Weekly Sheet on 27/10/24:

“It is with great pleasure that we can now announce that, subject to a satisfactory DBS disclosure, our new Rector will be the Rev. Sam Norton who will come to us from Parkend and Viney Hill in the Forest of Dean. The interview panel were unanimous in their decision and we were all impressed by what Sam had to offer. Please pray for Sam as he prepares to move here, his present Parishes as they come to terms with what his departure means to them and continue to pray for this benefice as we prepare to welcome Sam and the rich ministry that he will bring to us. The date for Sam’s licensing and Service of Welcome will be February 27th 2025. Please make a note in your diaries. ”

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Marcus Merry Marcus Merry

News: Autumn Fair, and Coffee & Mince Pies

Thank you to everyone who attended and supported the St. Bridget's Autumn Fair on the last weekend of October. This was an excellent occasion bringing together local artists and craftspeople in our lovely Church.

Our next event as we approach the festive season is Coffee and Mince Pies on Saturday 7th December, 10am to Midday.  We hope to see you there!

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Marcus Merry Marcus Merry

News: Best of Baroque

St. Bridget’s Best of Baroque event in early September was very well-attended. Our thanks to the prodigiously talented Andrew Kirk for a thoroughly entertaining performance and very interesting introductions to each piece. Over £600 was kindly donated towards our recent guttering repairs.

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Marcus Merry Marcus Merry

News: Saturday Open Mornings, and Best of Baroque

St. Bridget's has been holding open mornings on the first Saturday of the month over the Spring and Summer.  This is a great opportunity to have a look around a church described as 'this glorious gem in our midst', exceptionally interesting for its surviving medieval fabric from the 12th to the 16th centuries.  Why not join us at the next one on Saturday 7th September 10am to Midday; coffee and cake will be available!  Information about all our services and events are displayed on our website

We also invite you to an evening of 'Best of Baroque' organ music by award-winning organist Andrew Kirk, taking place at St. Bridget's on Saturday 7th September from 7pm and including light refreshments.  Reserve your seat for what promises to be a very enjoyable evening by going to  Alternatively book by ringing Roger (07790845108) or Sue (01275853879) our Church Wardens.  Donations on the day go towards St. Bridget's unglamorous but highly necessary guttering repairs!

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Marcus Merry Marcus Merry

News: Tony’s Memorial Service, and Best of Baroque

It all begins with an idea.

St. Bridget’s was packed to the rafters for those wishing to pay their respects to our dear friend, Tony Stirratt, at his Memorial Service in June.  It was a fitting tribute to a truly inspirational gentleman, whose great energy and charming sense of humour can be traced throughout the invaluable contributions he made to our community – not least in the pivotal role he played in the renovation of our 900-year-old Church. 

Tony with his Great Granddaughter, Eliza

Continuing Tony’s work, we are excited to invite you to ‘Best of Baroque, an evening of Organ Music’ with award-winning organist Andrew Kirk, taking place on Saturday 7th September at St. Bridget’s Church from 7pm, including light refreshments.  Donations on the day will be towards St. Bridget’s recent guttering repairs costing £640.  Booking is essential!  Please visit our Eventbrite page to reserve your spot, or book by ringing Roger (07790845108) or Sue (01275853879) our Church Wardens.  It promises to be a really enjoyable evening. 

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